Learning Ext JS 3

Where can I get Ext JS? Do I have to pay? Is it free? Más videos

Descripción del tema

This first chapter mentions where we can download the source code of the Framework, about the existing licenses and its differences.


The official site is www.extjs.com, from this site we can download the official version of the framework. In the menu Products -> Downloads we can see three types of downloads:
  • Full download: it contains the source code, the build, examples and documentation.
  • Documentation: you can download the API for future references, it is convenient to do it in order to use if in our computer.
  • Customized download: this type of download allows you to select specific components of the framework to download, in this way we can optimize the library.


There are three type of licenses, each one has its advantages and disadvantages and some have certain restrictions you should know about.
  • Commercial license: you should buy this license when you need to develop proprietary applications. The price goes from $289 to $14,449 dollars, the price depends on the quantity of the developers working in the application.
  • Open Source License: this type of license applies when you want to develop an open source application, this mean you have to release your project under the GNU GPL V3 license.
  • Reseller License: this option is necessary when you want to develop a framework or library based on Ext JS. To know the price of the license you need to get in contact with the Ext JS team.

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Instructor del curso


Autor: Crysfel Villa

Software engineer with more than 7 years of experience in web development.

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