Learning Ext JS 3

Introduction Más videos

Descripción del tema

In this chapter we will set the scope of the course, see some examples of what the student will be able to do after taking this course and the importance to know this tool.

About the author

My name is Crysfel Villa, I'm a software engineer, I like to develop and implement new technologies. I'll be teaching this course but if anyone would like to help us by recording a screen cast of some of the chapters is very welcome.


The purpose of this course is to start from basic concepts to a high level of knowledge in the development of plug-ins and extensions. The goal is that the course won't take longer than 4 months starting today to be completed, therefore the chapters will be publish frequently.

Importance of Ext JS

Currently is very important to consider the appearance of the screens of the systems we develop, since the user has become the most important part in our applications. Ext JS help us to improve the user experience, because it provides components with advance features and easy implementation.

Ext JS examples

The following links are applications done with Ext JS, you can visit them and see it yourself.
  • Messages and alerts, it is very common to send messages to the user. Ext JS provides different type of messages.
  • Windows, the windows are very easy to do and can be very useful in our applications.
  • Grid, in this example we can see the functionality of an editable grid.
  • Feed viewer, this applications is capable of manage feeds (rss)
  • Web desktop, this example shows how we can make a desktop-type application, the example is very interesting.


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  • Avatar-4 Jerry Sosa 20/06/2009

    Hola!! Crysfel, me tope este blog porque vi tu propuesta para conferencista en software guru, pk yo tmb puse una y tambien para ExtJS jajajaja yo tmb soy de monterrey =) Aqui en la oficina desarrollamos con ExtJS y CodeIgniter, te lo super recomiendo, cualquier cosa te dejo mi email, para intercambiar tips & tricks, sale? Saludos

    • Avatar-6 Mrbhans 22/09/2009

      Awesome! i love this tutorial, seems ExtJS learning will get new way to begin with. -bhan

      • Avatar-1 Senthil 15/04/2011

        great work man...

        • Avatar-11 Suyash 29/09/2012

          Like this tutorial ......... thank you for posting .....

          • Avatar-11 Maira Fonseca 02/10/2012

            Hi Crysfel! I loved your site. But I couldn't open link of grid... =/ Have you other link of alternative? Tranks.

            Instructor del curso


            Autor: Crysfel Villa

            Software engineer with more than 7 years of experience in web development.

            Regístrate a este curso

            Este tutorial pertenece al curso Learning Ext JS 3, revisa todos los tutoriales que tenemos en este mismo curso ya que están en secuencia y van de lo más sencillo a lo más complicado.

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