Learning Ext JS 3

Getting to know the object Element Más videos

Descripción del tema

When we need to work with elements from the DOM (Document Object Model) it is very important to know the object "Element" because it contains methods that will make our job easier.

Wait until the DOM is ready to be used

We have learned in the first chapters of this course how to do this, but this time I will use an object that will be properly packaged to explain the functionality of the object "Element", in this way we will avoid future conflicts with third-party code.
//we create the "package"

com.quizzpot.tutorial.Element = {
	init: function(){
		//the code of this tutorial will go here
//When the DOM is ready we will call the function "init"
It is important to remember that the second parameter we pass to the event "onReady" it's the context where is going to be executed.

Obtain an element

We normally use the method "document.getElementById" to get the elements from the document through its id, but with Ext JS we can get the elements in a different way:
var el = Ext.Element.get('my_id');
// or we can use the shortcut
var el = Ext.get('my_id');
There are many advantages of using this method because not only returns the DOM's element but also returns an object with methods and properties that we can manipulate, for example to add or remove CSS classes we do it like this:
//we get the element“panel”
var el = Ext.get('panel');
//we add a class “element”
//we remove the class “anotherClass” of the element
We can also add styles to the element very easy by using the method "setStyle" like this:
//one style at a time
el.setStyle('border','1px solid #99BBE8');
//or many styles at the same time
'border','1px solid #99BBE8'
There are a lot of methods that are available and can help us to do our job efficiently. Let's see the following example:
//Center the element in the screen
//change the opacity of the element to 85%
//obtain the element's parent
var parent = el.parent();
//adding some styles to the parent
	'font-family':'"Trebuchet MS",Arial,sans-serif',

//make the content of the element not selectable

//remove the element from the DOM

Improve the performance

If we only need to modify a property of an element in a single line of code and we don't need to have a reference to this object, is very convenient to use the method "fly" of the class "Element" because it allows us to save the browser's memory since it doesn't create an instance of the class Element to let us manipulate the object but uses the same memory over and over again, for example to change a style we will have to do this:
Ext.Element.fly('footer').setStyle('border','1px solid #aaa');
// or the shortcut
Ext.fly('footer').setStyle('border','1px solid #aaa');


The class "Ext.Element" can be used in our applications to manipulate the DOM, that's why is very important to know the methods that this class has in order to use them when is convenient. I recommend you to see the API of this class to know it better.

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  • Avatar-9 Ora Martindale 21/01/2010

    There is a bug in one of your code examples. It looks like this: El.setStyle({ 'background-color','#CFE5FA', 'border','1px solid #99BBE8' }); but should be: el.setStyle({ 'background-color': '#CFE5FA', 'border': '1px solid #99BBE8' });

    • Avatar-11 Crysfel 21/01/2010

      Thank you. I just fix it

      • Avatar-11 Girija 22/02/2011

        Can v attach a class as style reference? instead of setStyle?

        • Avatar-3 Sudhir Murkute 25/03/2011

          How to set value to any id? suppose and i want to change is runtime. Please help me.

          • Avatar-2 Sudhir Murkute 25/03/2011

            " input='hidden id='abcId' value=''abc value' " this i want to change at runtime.

            Instructor del curso


            Autor: Crysfel Villa

            Software engineer with more than 7 years of experience in web development.

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