The Tabs Más videos
Descripción del tema
Before you start this tutorial please download the resources, unzip them and copy the content inside of the folder "panels" that we created at the beginning of this chapter. In this tutorial we're going to create a window, inside of this window we're going to place the TabPanel with many tabs that we'll create dynamically during runtime, so I invite you to try out the demo I have prepared.Tutorial finished
The TabPanel
A TabPanel is a container of tabs, there isn't a "Tab" component but we can add a "Ext.Panel" component, "Ext.grid.GridPanel" component, "Ext.tree.TreePanel" component or any other component that inherits from "Panel". What we need to do now is create the TabPanel like this://creating the first tab var home = new Ext.Panel({ title:'Home', iconCls: 'home-icon', html: 'This is the home page example' }); this.tabs = new Ext.TabPanel({ items: home //adding the first tab });In the previous code we created a panel that will be the "home" or main tab, after that we created the "TabPanel" and we only assigned the variable "home" to the Tabpanel to make the panel the first tab; until now we can't see anything on the screen and the reason is because we haven't render it, in order to show the panel we must use the property "renderTo" or the method "render" or in this case we can use a window that will contain the "TabPanel" like this:
var win = new Ext.Window({ title:'Tabs example', width:600, height:500, bodyStyle: 'background-color:#fff;', items: this.tabs //assigning the tabpanel });;The previous code must look familiar to us because we have already studied it in previous tutorials. If you update the page where we're running this script you would see something like the following screenshot:
Panel Tab in a window
this.tabs = new Ext.TabPanel({ border: false, activeTab: 0, //<--activate the first tab items:[home] });It is important to remember that the indexes start on "0", therefor if we need to activate the first tab we must activate the tab with the index of "0".
First tab activated automatically
Adding Tabs at runtime
At this moment we're going to add the other tabs dynamically, so in order to do that we must write the code inside of the "addTab" method, you can find this method in the object "TabPanelTutorial" that was already defined in the resources you've downloaded at the beginning of this tutorial; inside of the "addTab" method we're going to create a panel and add it to the "TabPanel" like this:addTab: function(i){ //the code to add a new tab goes here var tab = new Ext.Panel({ title: 'Tab '+i, closable: true, //<-- this tab is closable iconCls: 'app-icon', tbar:[{iconCls:'save-icon'},{iconCls:'spell-icon'},{iconCls:'search-icon'},{iconCls:'send-icon'},{iconCls:'print-icon'}], html: 'This is the content for the tab number '+i }); this.tabs.add(tab); //adding the tab }The previous code creates a panel with the property "closable", this allows the user to close the tab at any moment, we also added a toolbar that at this moment does nothing but I would like to emphasize that we can use any configuration of the component panel. The last thing we need to do is invoke the method we've just created in a loop inside of the method "init" to create the tabs dynamically like this:
init: function(){ //… code removed; //creating 10 tabs for(var i=0;i<10;i++){ this.addTab(i+1); } },
Tabs added dynamically
Adding a scroll to the tabs
At this moment you can see that we have a problem, the last tabs don't appear because the window is smaller. We can solve this problem by adding a "scroll" to we can see the other tabs, to do that we need to use the property "enableTabScroll" of the "TabPanel" like this:this.tabs = new Ext.TabPanel({ border: false, activeTab: 0, enableTabScroll:true, //<-- displays a scroll for the tabs items:[home] });
TabPanel with a scroll to move the tabs
Ext.ns('com.quizzpot.tutorial'); com.quizzpot.tutorial.TabPanelTutorial = { init: function(){ //Beginning of the code var home = new Ext.Panel({ title:'Home', iconCls: 'home-icon', html: 'This is the home page example' }); this.tabs = new Ext.TabPanel({ border: false, activeTab: 0, enableTabScroll:true, items:[home] }); var win = new Ext.Window({ title:'Tabs example', width:600, height:500, bodyStyle: 'background-color:#fff;', items: this.tabs });; for(var i=0;i<10;i++){ this.addTab(i+1); } }, addTab: function(i){ //here the code to add a new tab var tab = new Ext.Panel({ title: 'Tab '+i, closable: true, //<-- this tab is closable iconCls: 'app-icon', tbar:[{iconCls:'save-icon'},{iconCls:'spell-icon'},{iconCls:'search-icon'},{iconCls:'send-icon'},{iconCls:'print-icon'}], html: 'This is the content for the tab number '+i }); this.tabs.add(tab); } } Ext.onReady(com.quizzpot.tutorial.TabPanelTutorial.init,com.quizzpot.tutorial.TabPanelTutorial);
The TabPanel is a Widget widely used to create usable interfaces, it is very flexible and easy to use. I recommend you to check the API so you can know about the other properties that this components has. As always, if you have any suggestions or questions about today's tutorial you can feel free to leave a comment on this post, we will gladly answer your questions. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter (@quizzpot).Te gustaría recibir más tutoriales como este en tu correo?
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Hi, Can you give an example of 3 layers of tabs such as :- Tab1 Tab2 Tab3 Tab4 | SubTab1 SubTab2 SubTab3 SubTab4 | SubTab1 SubTab2