Reading information in XML Más videos
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Before we start, you need to download the resources, unzip them and copy the files to the folder "ajax" (the same folder we used in the previous tutorial), this folder is found inside of the Web server we installed at the beginning of this course. For this tutorial we're going to use the same code we wrote in the previous tutorial, that means we'll do the same thing (visually and same functionality), the difference is that we're going to make the Store load the information through an Ajax request to the server and the response will be in XML format. I'm not going to explain the code we have in the resources because I already did it in the previous tutorial, so if you have any questions about the functionality I recommend you to read it again.General Structure
Let's edit the file "xml.js", once you open the file you'll see something similar to this://the namespace for this tutorial Ext.ns('com.quizzpot.tutorial'); com.quizzpot.tutorial.Store = { init: function(){ //we will write code only between the asterisks //*************************************************************// //code here the record //code here the xml reader //code here the proxy //code here the Store //load the data with an Ajax call //*************************************************************// //the next code is the same as the last tutorial //listeners for the buttons'personBtn').on('click',this.find,this);'txt').on('keyup',function(event,cmd){ if(event.getKey() === event.ENTER){ //when press ENTER this.find(); // perform the search } },this);'ascBtn').on('click',this.orderAsc,this);'descBtn').on('click',this.orderDesc,this);'older2030Btn').on('click',this.query,this);'older30Btn').on('click',this.filter,this);'countBtn').on('click',this.count,this); }, orderAsc: function(){'name','ASC'); // sort the store ASC{ this.log(record.get('name')); //print each name },this); this.log('___________________________________'); }, orderDesc: function(){'name','DESC'); //sort the store DESC{ this.log(record.get('name')); //print each name },this); this.log('___________________________________'); }, filter: function(){ //filter people...,id){ return record.get('age') >= 30; //older than 30 years old });{ //print on screen this.log(record.get('name')+' is older than 30 '+(record.get('gender')=='f'?'she':'he')+' is '+record.get('age')); },this); //clear the filters; this.log('___________________________________'); }, query: function(){ //query the store, search for people older than 20 and younger than 30 var collection =,id){ return record.get('age') >20 && record.get('age')<30; }); //for each item found... collection.each(function(item,index){ //print the info on the screen this.log(item.get('name')+' is '+item.get('age')+ ' and '+(item.get('gender')=='f'?'she':'he')+' is younger than 30'); },this); this.log('___________________________________'); }, count: function(){ //count the records in the store this.log('<strong>Total records: ''</strong>'); }, find: function(){ var value ='txt').getValue(); if(Ext.isEmpty(value)) return; //if the value is a number if(/^\d+$/.test(value)){ //find by ID var record =; if(!Ext.isEmpty(record)){ //if found, log it this.log(record.get('name')+' work as a '+record.get('occupation')+' and '+(record.get('gender')=='f'?'she':'he')+' is '+record.get('age')+' years old'); }else{ //alert the user if nothing is found this.log('<strong>Record with id: '+value+' was not found!</strong>'); } }else{ //if it is text, search the name property var index ='name',value,0,true,false); //if something is found... if(index>=0){ //get the record by the index... var record =; //and print the information this.log(record.get('name')+' work as a '+record.get('occupation')+' and '+(record.get('gender')=='f'?'she':'he')+' is '+record.get('age')+' years old'); }else{ //alert the user if nothing is found this.log('<strong>'+value+' not found!</strong>'); } } }, log: function(txt){ var el = Ext.get('response'); // get the LOG'p.newest').removeClass('newest'); // remove last update Ext.DomHelper.append(el,'<p class="newest">'+txt+'</p>'); //update the log el.scrollTo('top',el.dom.scrollHeight); //scroll down'p.newest').highlight('F5FC49',{duration:0.5}); //highlight the last message } } Ext.onReady(com.quizzpot.tutorial.Store.init,com.quizzpot.tutorial.Store);The previous code is very well packaged and it has methods that invoke the store, which by the way we haven't define yet so if you click on any button right now you'll get an error. In this tutorial we're only going to write between the asterisks that are in the beginning of the file, I have written comments about what we're going to do.
Ext JS provides an easy way to manipulate the information in a XML; we don't have to move through the generated tree to access the properties and attributes and we don't have to loop through the nodes, this is a great advantage because it saves a lot of time during the development phase. The XML we're going to use in this tutorial is in the file "data.php", we'll only modify the headers for the response and we'll print the information in XML; just remember that in the "real world" the information will come from a database, web service or some other source.<?php header("Content-Type: text/xml"); echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'; ?> <dataset> <results>9</results> <person active="true"> <id>1</id> <name>Crysfel</name> <occupation>Software developer</occupation> <gender>m</gender> <age>25</age> </person> <person active="false"> <id>2</id> <name>Sasha</name> <occupation>Figure skater</occupation> <gender>f</gender> <age>24</age> </person> <person active="true"> <id>3</id> <name>Jack</name> <occupation>Software Architect</occupation> <gender>m</gender> <age>35</age> </person> <person active="true"> <id>4</id> <name>John</name> <occupation>JavaScript developer</occupation> <gender>f</gender> <age>24</age> </person> <person active="true"> <id>5</id> <name>Sara</name> <occupation>Designer</occupation> <gender>f</gender> <age>31</age> </person> <person active="true"> <id>6</id> <name>Nicole</name> <occupation>Tester</occupation> <gender>f</gender> <age>28</age> </person> <person active="false"> <id>7</id> <name>Carl</name> <occupation>Photographer</occupation> <gender>m</gender> <age>45</age> </person> <person active="true"> <id>8</id> <name>Will</name> <occupation>Actor</occupation> <gender>m</gender> <age>32</age> </person> <person active="false"> <id>9</id> <name>Penny</name> <occupation>Waitress</occupation> <gender>f</gender> <age>29</age> </person> </dataset>I'm going to explain in the following steps what we need to do in order to manipulate the information we have in the XML.
Step 1: Create the record Person
The first thing we need to do is define the fields and mapping for each record; the mapping is optional if the field's value is the same as the field name, but required otherwise.//create the "Person" record var Person =[ {name: 'active', mapping:'@active', type:'boolean'}, // mapping an attribute and setting a type for this field {name: 'name', mapping: 'name'},// "mapping" property not needed if it's the same as "name" {name: 'occupation'}, // This field will use "occupation" as the mapping. {name: 'age', type:'float'}, // this field will use "age" as the mapping and its a float type {name: 'gender'} ]);To create a record we need to use the method "create" from the object “”, this method receives as a parameter an array with the fields that the record is going to have, with the property "name" we specify the name we will give to the field and we can even specify the data type (boolean, date, float, etc...) and as I mentioned before we can use the property "mapping" to link the record with the information in the XML. I would like to point out that the property "active" has a "mapping" which was linked to an attribute that is in the node "person" of the XML, just remember to add an "@" before to indicate that is an attribute and not a node.
Step 2: Create the "reader" for the XML
Once we have defined the properties of the record we need to create the "reader" that will manipulate the XML.//creates the reader for the XML data var reader = new{ totalRecords: "results", // The element which contains the total dataset size (optional) record: "person", // The repeated element which contains row information id: "id" // The element within the row that provides an ID for the record (optional) }, Person);The XMLReader's constructor receives as a first parameter a configuration object, in this object we define the node (in the xml) where the total number of records is, by specifying the property "totalRecords". We need to define the "id" that will be used for the records and the property "record" which is the XML node from where we get the information to fill the records, this is actually where we defined the properties of the records. As second parameter the constructor receives the record that will be used and loaded with the information.
Step 3: Create the Proxy
If we wish to load the information inside of the store through Ajax calls we have to define the place where we're going to get that information and the HTTP method used to make those Ajax calls (GET or POST).//creates the proxy var proxy = new{ method:'POST', //configure the http method GET or POST url: 'data.php' //the URL for the Ajax call });The previous code defines the method used and the URL that will be invoked.
Step 4: Create the Store
After defining the "ready" and the "proxy" we can create the store like this://creates the = new{ proxy: proxy, //setting the proxy reader: reader //setting the reader });This is enough for now, but don't forget that the Store accepts different implementations of "readers", for example the JsonReader or in this case XmlReader.
Step 5: Load the information in the Store
The last thing we need to do is request the information to the server with Ajax like this://loading the data{params:{param1:'value'}});The method "load" makes the request to the server using Ajax, optionally we can pass the parameters we need through an object that has the property "params", this is very useful if the information we requested is dynamic, for example I could send the "id" of a person to the server expecting only a record with that id in return. In the following code I'm going to show a waiting message to notify the user that the information is being loaded and because the information is loaded very fast I will set a delay so we can see the message a little bit longer.
//loading the data Ext.Msg.wait('Loading... please wait!','Wait');{params:{param1:'value'}});'load',function(){ //delay the message 2 seconds setTimeout(function(){ Ext.Msg.hide(); // just to see the waiting message XD (don't do it in the real world) },2000); });Notice I have created a "listener" for the event "load" in the store, in there I defined a function to be executed as soon as the information is loaded in the store, inside of that function I hid the waiting message.
In this chapter we learned not only how to manipulate an XML but also the modularity of the Framework. If you noticed, the code of the previous tutorial was not modified at all and the reason is because we're using the same information but contained in a XML, so we only changed the information's source and the rest of the application is working the same, this is one of the advantages of using Ext JS. As always, if you have any questions or suggestions please leave a comment or join the forum.Te gustaría recibir más tutoriales como este en tu correo?
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thinks :)
Hi Nice artical... can you share how can i edit and save xml as zip... it will be highly thankful for me to learn extjs